The story of Tang Jia Roast began way back in the early 70s when Tong Yu Sheng, the father of the current owner used to help his uncle at his food stall selling roasted food in Pasar Pudu. From his daily visits, he took the opportunity to learn the roasting technique and slowly mastered the art of roasting after some time. In 1975, Tong Yu Sheng got married and decided to branch out from the existing business with his wife within the same location. With the desire to improve his roasted food, Tong Yu Sheng went to Yuen Long, Hong Kong in 1980 to learn a different technique to better his roasted food and continued to improvise is roasts when he came back to Malaysia. Soon enough, Tong Yu Sheng’s roasted food started to attract a pool of regular customers and received good comments from the locals. The business grew stronger and he started supplying his roasted food to local businesses, but our founder had bigger dreams to venture out of Pasar Pudu. He sees a diminishing amount of people visiting the market in the future, which leads to a strong desire to bring the business out of the market. Upon coming home from the United States after completing his studies, our founder who is the current owner of Tang Jia Roast decided to help his father realise his dreams to make the brand well known.
With the slogan “Your satisfaction is our achievement”, we believe that the support and compliments from our customers is the best motivation to keep us moving. In order to show our gratitude for our customer’s support, we keep improvising and expanding to provide better service and food quality. We care for our customers’ comments and feelings because we acknowledge the need for loyal customers to be able to go further. Establishing the brand wasn’t a smooth journey, especially with the negative comments we’ve received in the beginning. And even when people began to accept the our roasted food, we faced other obstacles that resulted from the act of jealousy. But we believe that all these are part of the growing process in a business and with a strong believe in our faith and ambition, we will move slowly to achieve our goals.
At Tang Jia Raost, we believe that our team is just as important as our customers. Without a great team, it would be hard to provide the best service to our customers. Therefore, we are focused on creating a culture where the employees are able to grow with the company. This will help instill a good personality in every employee which will lead to a positive environment within the organization. When all the employees in the organization share the same faith, same ambition, same target and same goal, there will be less conflict and they will be motivated to do their best to serve the customers.
All this while, we hope to drive Tang Jia Roast to great fame and to get people to accept our roasted food. Apart from serving the best quality of roasted food to our customers, we also wish to give back to the society. In the future, we hope that Tang Jia Roast will be able to play an important role to contribute to charity, becoming a force that could help to push the public to care for the needies in hopes of building a caring and loving society.
七十年代初叔公唐辉在半山芭恩记饭档开始烧腊生意. 每日的作息中父亲唐育胜跟随叔公学习与工作. 经过多年的工作流程, 父亲将烧腊的个中精髓都通通掌握. 父亲于1975年结婚后与母亲黄素妹共同在半山芭开业. 为了使产品更进一步, 父亲并于1980年到香港元朗跟随烧腊师父拜师学艺. 之后, 经过父亲从不间断地研究与改良产品, 赢得了大众的口碑和支持, 从开始的零售生意慢慢地扩展到批发生意. 从1975年开始, 父母亲都只是在半山芭维持他们的烧腊零售和批发生意, 虽然他们的烧腊已经家户喻晓, 每逢大节日档口必定人潮满满, 档口被客人围得水泄不通, 但是始终都只是附近的熟客知, 并没有传播出去, 而且他们也没有创立自己的品牌. 随着时代的进步,巴刹的人潮必定会逐渐减少,生意也一定会越来越少。为了延续父母亲的生意,唐家烧腊的创办人决定从外国回来帮助他们发展并扩充生意,由巴刹零售和批发的生意转型踏入烧腊饮食界。一个已经有超过 45年历史的烧腊档口,一定值的让更多的食客们知道!
唐家烧腊的口号是 "你的满足感,我们的成就", 我们顾客的赞扬与支持, 就是我们可以持续发展的动力. 为了答谢忠实顾客的支持, 唐家烧腊一直不断地改进与扩展, 只是为了提供更好的产品与服务给我们忠实的顾客群.我们非常重视顾客的评语与感受, 因为我们深知只有拥有长久忠实的顾客群, 唐家烧腊才能走得更高更远. 当然, 唐家烧腊一路走来也不是一帆风顺, 在当中少不了初期的讥评打击, 当大众开始慢慢接受唐家烧腊的时候, 卻遭到妒忌者的恶意攻击. 但是这是一个品牌成长的必经过程, 我们始终坚持自己的信念和理想, 一步一个脚印, 慢慢地去实现我们坚定不移的目标!
在我门公司的理念宗旨里, 顾客第一, 团队第二. 除了顾客, 我们也非常注重团队的发展, 因为我们知道如果没有优秀的团队, 要做到服务至上的待客理念只能是纸上谈兵. 所以, 我们极度重视公司文化的塑造与成长, 公司希望能够培育每一个员工都有优秀的品格, 所谓"修身, 齐家, 治国, 平天下", 如果公司的每一个员工都有共同的价值观, 理念与目标, 在这样的公司文化里共同地成长与升值, 我们相信共事的冲突与矛盾自然会减到最低, 反而共同的信念与理想能够积极地推动每一个员工都有奉献自己, 服务大众的想法, 以达到利己, 利他与利大众的最终目标!
一直以来, 我们都持有一个理想, 就是希望可以将唐家烧腊发扬光大, 让全部人都可以认识和接受, 同时也希望可以将最好的食品呈现给我们忠实的顾客群. 所谓 "取之于社会, 用之于社会", 我们更加希望唐家烧腊在以后的日子, 在慈善公益事件上能尽一份力量, 可以推动大众去更加关注弱势群体, 共同建立一个有爱心温暖的社会!